At Backbeat Agency, our mission is to connect great artists with fantastic venues to ensure amazing events and create lucrative relationships. Our dedication to providing support to artists empowers them to shine in the spotlight while fostering strong connections between performers, venues, and their audiences. Through our commitment to excellence and this personalized approach, we strive to make a lasting impact on the Midwest music scene, one beat at a time.


Backbeat Agency LLC is founded and operated by Christian Connett, a professional musician and dedicated music lover. With a lifelong passion for music, Christian has performed and recorded across multiple genres including Rock, Progressive, Metal, Blues, and Electronica. His experience as a performer and understanding of the music industry has laid the foundation for Backbeat Agency’s success. Christian’s commitment to supporting and promoting talented artists ensures that Backbeat Agency continues to thrive and make a significant impact in the music scene.


Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the dynamic team we have assembled as well as collaborations with industry professionals such as Michelle Farland of Farland Entertainment, Dan Smith of Smart Choice Entertainment, and Damon Moreno with the renowned A&R/Management firm Inner Light Agency. Backbeat Agency is positioned at the forefront of the music booking and promotions industry across the Midwest. 


The Backbeat Agency roster boasts a diverse array of solo artists and bands, each bringing their unique style and energy to the stage. We work tirelessly to promote our artists, secure prime bookings, and foster strong relationships within the music community. Whether it’s an intimate acoustic set or a high-energy rock show, Backbeat Agency ensures every performance is a hit.



As we continue to transition and grow, our unwavering dedication to our performers and the art of music remains the cornerstone of our business. Join us as we continue to provide exceptional service and support to artists, fostering their success and enriching the music industry landscape.


We promise to continue our growth and development in event booking and promotions, seamlessly coordinating with venues and performers – ensuring every engagement detail is accurate and performance-ready. our dedication lies in every detail, from meticulously matching artists with the perfect events, to crafting compelling social media content and promotions.

At Backbeat Agency, we offer more than just booking and promotional services. We are dedicated to collaborating closely with individual artists to enhance their brand, marketing, and production quality and elevate their performances.

We are consistently centered on enhancing the visibility and impact of our artists. We remain steadfast in our commitment to elevating their presence, ensuring they shine brightly in every opportunity we secure.